Sutton outdoor market temporary relocation for Portland Square improvement works

June 2024

Sutton in Ashfield’s outdoor market will be temporarily relocated from Monday 24 June, whilst improvement works take place on Portland Square.

Ashfield District Council’s ambitious plans for the town centre will be breaking ground next month, to start the transformation of Portland Square. The plans include removing the sundial, replacing the paving to make it level access, and installing two large, raised planters featuring mature native trees, grass, ambient lighting, and in-built seating. Portland Square's redesign is just one of 16 major projects being funded by the Council's £62.6 million Towns Deal. 

Sutton’s outdoor market, which previously traded on Portland Square every Monday, will be temporarily relocated to Low Street (outside Costa Coffee, next to the Market Place car park) until the works to Portland Square, and the new home of the outdoor market - Fox Street, are finished early next year.

Over by Wetherspoons in Sutton, work is well underway to turn the derelict Fox Street Site into the new home of Sutton’s outdoor markets, events, and pop-up markets. The space will also be used as a car park when markets aren’t running.

John Bennett, executive director of place, said: “Sutton’s outdoor market is being relocated whilst we get to work on transforming Portland Square, and the market’s new location from 2025, Fox Street. The new temporary location for Sutton’s outdoor market will provide increased footfall due to its proximity to our Market Place car park and Idlewells Indoor Market.

“This is a really exciting time as we start to see our plans for Sutton town centre take shape. Portland Square and Fox Street developments will give a new lease of life to Sutton, and will complement our plans for Cornerstone Theatre to provide an enhanced cultural and retail offering.” 

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